WNHRMA Committees:
Job Fair Committee
Organizes an employer’s job fair on an annual basis, which is open to the general public and attracts a wide range of potential employees for area employers.
Scholarship Committee
Comprised of WNHRMA members who provide scholarship applications to area high schools and colleges and choose the recipient of the award.
Membership Committee
Maintain current membership list to include member’s names, titles, business names and address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. Responsible for increasing committee’s visibility in the community and for increasing membership base.
Wage Survey Committee
This committee is responsible for gathering wage and salary information from a number of local businesses, compiling the results and producing a booklet for distribution to all participating employers. This wage survey covers a wide range of jobs from entry level to managerial positions.
HR Management Conference Committee
Comprised of WNHRMA members, WNCC Business and Industry Training members and Cabelas’ members. This committee is in charge of planning and holding an annual HR Conference for HRCI credits.